Intermediate Debate is a class tailored to students who have had limited coaching in the debate styles taught at Ethos Academy. Students will strengthen their existing skills and work with coaches to enter competitive debating by further exploring the intricacies of...
Taught by a combination of our Head Coach, instructors and special guests, our weekly seminars focus on content debaters are able to use in debates and set themselves apart from their competitors. Covering a range of subject areas from international relations to...
British Parliamentary (BP) is a style unlike many others which pairs 4 teams of two against one another. This style of debate is commonly used around Canada and the world at tournaments such as Hart House, Oxford Schools and Hong Kong Parliamentary. Those who are...
Canadian National Debate Format (CNDF) is the style of debate commonly used at the Provincial and National levels of debate within Canada including the National Debating Championships. This 2v2 style focuses on the clear articulation of constructive material and...